Is it the best idea to add a reply-to header to the author on mailing list 
The problem I see is many people will hit reply in their email client which 
will create an email from them to the author, bypassing the mailing list.
Unless they remember to manually alter the To: field to keep the conversation 
on the list, it wont be.

Was that the intent?

This (same-domain From: header and DKIM signature) is  DMARC damage control.


I totally understand the benefit of putting the list address in the From: 
But why does that mean something *HAS* to be put in the reply-to header?

It isn't important for me to know the author's address to answer the content of 
the list mail. If it's important for others to know who authored the email, the 
address can be include as tag line information in the footer that is already 
being appended by the list. Or make up an x-header for tracking/investigative 

I just predict emails being replied to directly and not kept on list. Ive said 
my 2cents, i will let it go.
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