Em 24/08/2022 13:06, Jaroslaw Rafa escreveu:
Dnia 24.08.2022 o godz. 19:03:37 Ivars Strazdiņš pisze:
I tested and it did not work for local users, access is denied (sending not 
possible) only for external ones.
Mail is sent to l...@domain.com <mailto:l...@domain.com> regardless if local 
sender address is in the insiders map or not.
I use lmtp for local mail delivery, could that be a problem?
But why can't you configure it in your mailing list manager? It's much
easier than trying to do it in Postfix...
Becose postfix do the job properly, and we don't need to configure/maintain an extra package for just one internal list.

    _    Engº Julio Cesar Covolato
   0v0   <ju...@psi.com.br>
  /(_)\  F: 55-11-99175-9260

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