Em 24/08/2022 10:08, Ivars Strazdins escreveu:
Hello Postfix Experts,
let’s say that domain.com <http://domain.com> is Postfix $mydomain.
I know that it is possible to protect /etc/postfix/protected_destinations from external senders, as per https://www.postfix.org/RESTRICTION_CLASS_README.html

But is it possible to limit users from the same domain who can send mails to an internal email distribution list?
In other words, is it possible to setup Postfix so that
us...@domain.com CAN send an email to /etc/postfix/protected_destinations
us...@domain.com CANNOT send an email to l...@domain.com

l...@domain.com is a simple Postfix alias.

Thanks for your time,

Hi, yes, you can.


smtpd_restriction_classes = insiders_only
insiders_only = check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/insiders, reject
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/protected_destinations


us...@domain.com   OK
anotheru...@domain.com    OK


l...@domain.com    insiders_only
li...@domain.com    insiders_only

$ postmap /etc/postfix/protected_destinations
$ postmap /etc/postfix/insiders
$ postfix reload

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