
  Right now we use reject_sender_login_mismatch to reject external mail
claiming to be from an address we host, which has worked pretty well,
but it does catch some externally forwarded email which I would like to
improve.  So the scenario is a user on our system u...@us.tld sends to
an external domain ot...@external.tld, and ot...@external.tld forwards
to another of our users, ot...@us.tld; we reject the message

  553 5.7.1 <u...@us.tld>: Sender address rejected: not logged in

When the message was originally sent it would have been DKIM signed, so
assuming it is handled well at external.tld, the signature should be

  Maybe there is a solution I am overlooking, but ideally I would like
to apply some sender restrictions prior to DATA, then verify the DKIM
signature (via a milter), and if there is no valid dkim signature,
apply some more sender restrictions (including

I don't see any way to do this currently, correct?  You can insert
policy filter checks in the middle of smtpd_sender_restrictions, but
you can't insert a milter check.  So I would be looking at writing my
own milter to duplicate the reject_sender_login_mismatch tests, and run
that after the first milter which checks dkim?


Jesse Norell
Kentec Communications, Inc.
970-522-8107  -  www.kci.net

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