On Thursday, April 7, 2022, 07:23:14 PM GMT+2, Wietse Venema 
<wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:>>Pedro David Marco:>>>  Hi,>> Postfix 
documentation about smtp_fallback_relay says:>>>> smtp_fallback_relay (default: 
$fallback_relay):>>  Optional list of relay hosts for SMTP destinations that 
can't>>  be found or that are unreachable. With Postfix 2.2 and earlier>>  this 
parameter is called fallback_relay.>>>> I have destinations not accepting email 
with a 451 return code.>> Some of them are being sent by postfix to the 
smtp_fallback_relay>> and some of them are just sent to the deferred queue...  
Probably>> i am misunderstanding Postfix documentation but... What is exactly>> 
the Postfix criteria about using smtp_fallback_relay ????>>>>If the mail stays 
in the Postfix queue, then the smtp_fallback_relay>was not available, or it 
rejected the mail with a 4XX status, or>you restarted Postfix while it was 
delivering mail.>>You can see that with some logfile analysis.>>    Wietse>
Thanks Wietse,
that is my understanding but no one restarted Postfix... 
smtp_fallback_relay only applies when destination is not found or unreachable. 
"Unreachable" meansthat Postfix cannot connect to the remote TCP port, am i 
A 4XY status means the destination "is reachable", so mail should always be 
deferred, is this correct?
Sorry, but i am confused... documentation is accurate, but probably not my 
understading of it...

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