
I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this but here we go (let me know if I should report it somewhere else).

In setting up a milter on a postfix daemon running in docker container I stumbled upon the following problem. postfix trows fatal errors if it can't resolve the DNS name of a milter due to the milter (also running as a docker container) being offline although default_action for this milter is set to "accept".

I have the following setup:
- postfix 3.4.14 from https://mailcow.email/ (should be this https://packages.debian.org/buster/postfix package) - with smtpd_milters = inet:rspamd:9900, {inet:mymilter:40000,connect_timeout=3s,default_action=accept} - a docker container mymilter with the run command "docker run -d --name mymilter--network-alias mymilter --network mailcowdockerized_mailcow-network --restart unless-stopped mymilter:latest"
- mymilter listens on port 40000 as a milter

Everything runs normal as long as the mymilter container is online.
If I stop mymilter postfix refuses to accept smtp connections with for example the following errors.

Mar 31 15:43:43 14bc2104d36b postfix/smtpd[382]: fatal: host/service mymilter/40000 not found: Name or service not known Mar 31 15:43:44 14bc2104d36b postfix/master[348]: warning: process /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/smtpd pid 382 exit status 1 Mar 31 15:43:44 14bc2104d36b postfix/master[348]: warning: /usr/lib/postfix/sbin/smtpd: bad command startup -- throttling

If I replace mymilter in smtpd_milters with an IP address of the docker container and stop the container the default_action=accept is honored. As far as I can tell the network-alias gets removed from dockers internal DNS server on container stop which triggers the postfix fatal error. However shouldn't a failed DNS request also evoke the default policy of "accept" for this milter? Is this a postfix bug or am I missing something? Can I somehow add "DNS not Working" to the "it's Ok"-List for this milter?

thanks for your help

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