>>>>> "Matus" == Matus UHLAR <- fantomas <uh...@fantomas.sk>> writes:

Matus> the latter can be disabled by calling check_recipient_access
Matus> "user+whate...@example.com REJECT"

This is what I want to achieve and after reading the documentation at
http://www.postfix.org/RESTRICTION_CLASS_README.html I got the picture.

All is good now thanks for pointing to the right direction.

Matus> Note that you don't want to disable such expression globally, since
Matus> there are people even in this mailing list using "+" in their mail
Matus> addresses.

On various list I do use it, but one of those extensions have become a target
for spammers and I needed to disable that specific one.

Now I have the information I needed it's good to go and after I digest the
info at that page, I will try to use the classes concept.

Thanks again



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