On 31.03.22 20:21, Togan Muftuolu wrote:
As the subject says what is the best strategy or way to filter and in this
case I would rather reject specific mail addresses that are using the format


So in this case I would like to reject any mail that has the +whatever suffix.

do you mean any accress containing the "+" or just the "+whatever" suffix?
the first should be doable by disabling recipient_delimiter so it's not considered delimiter and/or special.

this way you still should be able to create users/aliases with the "+" character if you want (or with any character "-", "0", "a" etc.).

the latter can be disabled by calling check_recipient_access "user+whate...@example.com REJECT"

Note that you don't want to disable such expression globally, since there are people even in this mailing list using "+" in their mail addresses.

My understanding is

- Relocated doesn't make sense
- virtual can't be because the domain part is not a virtual domain

What I see is access as a possibility but up to now I have thought it as
allowing access to the sender not the receiver.

Am I missing the point here or is there a better way of doing this check and
reject those mails with the certain +whatever part


Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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