On 2/16/2022 10:35 AM, @lbutlr wrote:
On 2022 Feb 16, at 06:37, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
Wietse Venema:
There is an example in the pistsuper manpage that uses "postqueue
-j | jq" to select messages, and to feed a list of queue IDS into
the postsuper command.
Untested example:
postqueue -j | jq -r '
# See JSON OBJECT FORMAT section in the postqueue(1) manpage
select(.queue_name == "deferred")
| .queue_id
' | postsuper -h -
And "postsuper -h ALL deferred" might do the same thing.
This will only hold messages that are already deferred in the queue, right. I
still need so modify main.cf to redirect the messages to get deferred.
To put everything on hold, insert check_client_access static:hold in
one of your restrictions. Something like:
smtpd_client_restrictions =
check_client_access static:hold
... stuff you have already ...
-- Noel Jones