Don´t know what exactly you are trying to do, but to monitor the queue, I use 
postqueue -j (for json).
Forcing some messages to remain in the queue is easy: just define a transport 
policy like dane-only for a destination that does not support dane.
-- Joachim

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: <> Im 
Auftrag von @lbutlr
Gesendet: Wednesday, 16 February 2022 13:36
Betreff: Re: Fun and profit with mailq

On 2022 Feb 16, at 05:06, @lbutlr <> wrote:
> What I would like to do is to execute a command that only returns output if 
> there are messages on hold

On a related question, is there a way to tell postfix "put all outbound mail 
into the hold queue" so I can test some of this?

I know postsuper -h ALL will put all messages currently in the queue on hold 
for a few minutes? queue_run_delay looked promising, but it only applies once a 
message is already in the queue.

It'd ne great if I could just hold every message and then let it clear on the 
queue_run_delay=60 interval for testing. No one is even going to notice 1 
minute in the queue.

"Last night - you were unhinged. You were like some desperate,
        howling demon. You frightened me. - Do it again!"

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