Dnia 12.12.2021 o godz. 10:09:00 Linkcheck pisze:
> My suspicion is that google is delaying the mail based on the
> reputation of the generic UK.COM domain name. Is this likely? Is
> google really dumb enough to treat all UK.COM subdomains as part of
> the same single domain?
Same happened for me a few weeks ago, Google started to similarly
temp-reject mails from my domain rafa.eu.org. Mails from other domains sent
from the same IP go through without issues.

Previously, for over a year Google has been (and still is) putting emails
from my rafa.eu.org domain into recipients' Spam folders, so it is actually
worse situation than being rejected, because I think that the message has
been delivered and the recipient never sees it (as the majority of average
Gmail users never look into their Spam folders, as they firmly believe that
they have absolutely no reason to).

I have discussed this a lot on the mailop mailing list, and most people
there (including someone from Google who occassionally appeared) seem to
confirm that this is due to reputation of eu.org domain as a whole.

What seems really "funny" that I am the only user at domain rafa.eu.org who
is actually sending out mails (there are a few "receive only" addresses
except mine, but mine is the only one used for sending) and I am 100% sure
that never any spam has been sent from this address. Yet Gmail is treating
almost every mail from me as spam (even marking the mail as non-spam by the
recipient often doesn't help for further messages!)

Both eu.org and uk.com are on the Public Suffix List
(https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat ) which clearly
indicates that different subdomains of these domains should NOT be treated
as a part of the same entity.

But yes, Google IS dumb enough to do so.

> If so, given they allow spammers virtually free range to send FROM
> gmail this is a bit hypocritical.

100% agree.

They simply don't care about anyone that isn't using Gmail.
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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