On Fri, Dec 03, 2021 at 11:39:52AM -0500, post...@aecperformance.com wrote:
> VPS Ubuntu 20.04 postfix 3.4.13 and dovecot > > Virtual Mailboxes MySql > > > > Our server hosts multiple mail domains each having multiple email addresses. > > Domain: sizzelicks.com has an MX record pointing to mail.sizzelicks.com > showing the IP: 194:163:45:150 which is our VPS IP. > > https://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3asizzelicks.com&run=toolpage > > > > We have a domain: sizzelicks.com (I tried mail.sizzelicks.com also) in our > MySql virtual_domains table. The virtual domain should be sizzelicks.com (which is to be used in the email addresses themselves), not mail.sizzelicks.com (which is just the target of sizzelicks.com's MX record). > We have an address: smok...@sizzelicks.com <mailto:smok...@sizzelicks.com> > as the email field in our MySql virtual_ users table. > > Command line tests: > > sudo postmap -q sizzelicks.com > mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-mailbox-domains.cf > > 1 > > sudo postmap -q smok...@sizzelicks.com > mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-mailbox-maps.cf > > 1 > > sudo postmap -q spa...@sizzelicks.com > mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-virtual-alias-maps.cf > > smok...@sizzelicks.com > > > I cannot send an email to smok...@sizzelicks.com. > I've tried setting the domain (MySql virtual_domains) as both sizzelicks.com > and mail.sizzelicks.com. > The email bounces in either case. I just tried to send an email to smok...@sizzelicks.com but the connection timed out. nmap shows: > nmap -sT mail.sizzelicks.com Starting Nmap 7.92 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-12-05 13:08 AEDT Nmap scan report for mail.sizzelicks.com ( Host is up (0.19s latency). Other addresses for mail.sizzelicks.com (not scanned): 2a02:4780:10:e096::1 rDNS record for aecperformance.com Not shown: 995 filtered tcp ports (no-response) PORT STATE SERVICE 20/tcp closed ftp-data 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http 443/tcp closed https Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 13.78 seconds It looks like neither Postfix nor Dovecot are running there right now. Could that have been the case when you tried? Presumably not, or Thunderbird wouldn't have been able to connect. > I created an account for smok...@sizzelicks.com > <mailto:smok...@sizzelicks.com> in Thunderbird on a Windows client. > > If I set the IMAP and SMTP server as sizzelicks.com Thunderbird will > connect. > > If I set the IMAP and SMTP server as mail.sizzelicks.com Thunderbird will > NOT connect. If the connection you are referring to is the IMAP (port 143) connection (as opposed to the port 587 connection), the problem might be related to the domain names associated with the TLS certificate. Thunderbird expects the hostname to match the certificate (at least for IMAP/POP). But if that were the problem, Thunderbird would connect but it would then probably tell you that the certificate is invalid and refuse to use it. The certificate you are using is a LetsEncrypt certificate for mail.softlinksys.com. Perhaps that certificate includes the domain sizzelicks.com but not mail.sizzelicks.com. That might explain why an IMAPS connection in Thunderbird succeeds with one but not the other. You can check which domains are include in that certificate with "sudo certbot certificates". You might need to add the mail.sizzelicks.com domain to that certificate (or tell Thunderbird to connect to the host mail.softlinksys.com instead). > How can I correlate sizzelicks.com with mail.sizzelicks.com in postfix and > dovecot. Not sure, but bear in mind that, even though they have the same IP addresses, sizzelicks.com belongs in the email addresses, and mail.sizzelicks.com belongs in attempts to connect to the mail server, because the MX record for sizzelicks.com points to mail.sizzelicks.com. So Thunderbird should be connecting to mail.sizzelicks.com (or maybe mail.softlinksys.com). If it doesn't work, check Thunderbird's error messages. I think it has a "connection doctor" that you can look at. > How can I debug/resolve this problem? Um, you might need a new service provider. I looked at the webpage for softlinksys.com (the value of $myhostname) and there's an image of a sign saying: "Sorry We're CLOSED Out of business" Your first step is to get Postfix and Dovecot running on the/a server. Then you can try to send an email again and look for the relevant log messages. cheers, raf > Kristy Atkins > ViviData SaaS