"Hm.. how can you receive emails for your domain on your home server?
What will the MX record contain?" 

Debian 10 buster 
exim4 as an MTA with smarthost setup (smarthost is used to be a server
of my internet provider, using per user authentication with password). 
Mails are collected by fethcmail (as daemon using /etc/fetchmail.rc)  
dovecot as IMAP server 
apache2 + roundcube 
This combination is working for decades, from distribution to
distribution, with minimal configuration. 

Idea about vpn could be a working solution.
OFF: I have one VPN based on pair of very old TP-LINK WR1043 between my
flat in city and weekend house "dacha", based on OpenWRT and OpenVpn but
I'm afraid about encryption those routers have very limited resources
and quite outdated. 

Thanks for your time! 

2021-04-27 19:01 időpontban IL Ka ezt írta:

>> I do not need to receive any emails on my VPS (I using my home server to 
>> that, storing emails starting from 2002 using dovecot and roundcube - we are 
>> happy with this).
> Hm.. how can you receive emails for your domain on your home server? What 
> will the MX record contain? 
>> Seem to be I need sasl authentication between my home server and vps server. 
>> That mean I need to study how do it with exim4 (on my home server).
> Btw, I like what Bernardo Reino suggested: You can create VPN between your 
> homeserver and the VPS (you can use StrongSwan, OpenVPN, Wireguard or any 
> other solution). 
> With it you can: 
> * Skip SASL (because only homeserver would be able to connect to your VPS, 
> you can even close port with firewall) 
> * Do not bother with TLS, because VPN provides encryption (although you need 
> to configure outgoing TLS on your VPS to send emails to the other servers) 

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