Dnia 28.04.2021 o godz. 16:28:39 IL Ka pisze:
> configure inet_interfaces to listen only your VPN IP
> http://www.postfix.org/postconf.5.html#inet_interfaces
> You can even listen to the submission port (instead of SMTP/25) and close
> 25 with a firewall.

I'd suggest the opposite: if you will only be sending mail via VPN (that
means from a fixed IP address), then don't bother using submission port,
just add that IP to "mynetworks" and send the mail to your server the
normal way via port 25... Less to set up...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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