Dnia 10.02.2021 o godz. 20:52:01 Chris Green pisze:
> If (and it's a big if) I configure the hostname to be a FQDN how do I
> then get mail sent to 'chris' out of isbd.uk to ch...@isbd.co.uk?

That seems to be completely unrelated to the hostname problem.

If you alias "chris" to "ch...@isbd.co.uk" (for example in /etc/aliases
file), and just to be sure you may also alias "ch...@isbd.uk" to
"ch...@isbd.co.uk", then the mail sent to "chris" (or "ch...@isbd.uk")
should be forwarded to "ch...@isbd.co.uk".

Unless there are still some things you didn't describe...
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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