Thanks guys in the mean time I found the way to do it by trial and error
and works OK now
On 2/2/21 8:12 PM, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
On Tue, Feb 02, 2021 at 12:27:40PM +0200, George Papas wrote:
# Do not indent the patterns between "if" and "endif".
if /^[> ]*Received:/
/^[> ]*Received: +from +ip53\.ip-139-99-176\.net /
reject forged sender name in Received: header: $1
The above syntax is wrong. The "reject ..." action needs to be on the
same line as the pattern:
if /^[> ]*Received:/
/^[> ]*Received: +from +ip53\.ip-139-99-176\.net / reject forged sender
name in Received: header: $1
I had hard time to understand this pattern : [> ]
Anyway thanks a lot !! I learned some new things by doing this.