
I have a small  SMTP server for around 35 users in the company I work .

The last 3 -4 days I'm being bombed with backstatter  mails from all over the world .

I have found out the abusing IP who sends the messages as one of my accounts but

I cant find out how to stop bombing my server with backscatter mails from all over .

I tried to implement body_checks using the following :

my main.cf :

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks
body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks

body_checks :

# Do not indent the patterns between "if" and "endif".
if /^[> ]*Received:/
/^[> ]*Received: +from +ip53\.ip-139-99-176\.net /
reject forged sender name in Received: header: $1

and I get this in the logs  but the messages bounce back :

warning: body_checks lookup of Received: from ip53.ip-139-99-176.net (ip53.ip-139-99-176.net []) returns an empty string result Feb  2 02:59:13 postfix/cleanup[25450]: warning: body_checks should return NO RESULT in case of NOT FOUND

Can somebody help me ? I,m getting over a thousand reports per hour in my postmaster mailbox

thanks in advance


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