Benny Pedersen:
> Wietse Venema skrev den 2020-11-23 17:10:
> > Postfix 2.6 and later don't add a Message-ID header, unless the
> > message comes from a "local" source. That header is a combination
> > of a time stamp and the Postfix $myhostname value, so it is unique
> > as long as both values are unique.
> okay, what if msgid miss the @ charter ?

A message-id is not an email address.

> i remember postfix have configs for when @ is not part of msgid it can 
> add so its diffrent if not sent local or remote

Postfix can be configured to 'fix' an email address.


remote_header_rewrite_domain (default: empty)
       Don't rewrite message headers from remote  clients  at  all  when  this
       parameter  is  empty; otherwise, rewrite message headers and append the
       specified domain name to incomplete  addresses.   The  local_header_re-
       write_clients parameter controls what clients Postfix considers local.


       The   safe   setting:  append  "domain.invalid"  to  incomplete  header
       addresses from remote SMTP clients, so that those addresses  cannot  be
       confused with local addresses.

           remote_header_rewrite_domain = domain.invalid

       The default, purist, setting: don't rewrite headers from remote clients
       at all.

           remote_header_rewrite_domain =


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