On 30 Aug 2020, at 20:24, Doug Denault wrote:

On Sun, 30 Aug 2020, Noel Jones wrote:
On 8/30/2020 2:57 PM, Doug Denault wrote:
I am upgrading from postfix-2.8.7,1 and cyrus-imapd-2.3.18 to postfix-3.5.6,1 and cyrus-imapd30-3.0.14. The old system uses sasldb authentication, the new one MySQL. This is on FreeBSD.
I have compared the conf files on two addition postfix systems and 
can see no differences of consequence. I am not sure which files or 
parts thereof to show. I am kind of surprised postfix can be 
encouraged not to listen on these ports. I am quite lost and can 
supply whatever information that will help anyone with a idea on how 
I messed this up.

Likely is postfix is failing to start, with clues in the logfile.

If you need to ask for further help:
Thank you for your thought, but not exactly. Postfix sort starts, 
cyrus is all there:
working system:
   lighthouse:~> sockstat | egrep "postfix|master" | egrep ":[2\5]+"
   postfix  smtpd      98709 6  tcp4   *:25                  *:*
   postfix  smtpd      98656 6  tcp4   *:25                  *:*
   postfix  smtpd      98656 19 tcp4
   postfix  smtpd      98612 6  tcp4   *:25                  *:*
   root     master     52014 12 tcp4   *:25                  *:*
   root     master     52014 16 tcp4   *:587                 *:*

The one in question
   freeport:~> sockstat | egrep "postfix|master" | egrep ":[2\5]+"
   root     master     3938  13 tcp4   *:25                  *:*
   root     master     3938  17 tcp4   *:587                 *:*
That's absolutely normal. Postfix's 'master' process only spawns smtpd 
processes as needed to handle SMTP sessions. As shown, it listens on any 
ports that need persistent listeners, and hands off connections to child 
Any thought much appreciated. The only difference between two of the other postfix/cyrus systems: one use sasldb, the other kerberos. The Not working one uses mysql. There are some cyrus gliches not relevant to this list. On the post fix front, the system can receive email, that's what master does, it can not send email. Apparently what postfix does.
So, your chosen subject makes no sense. The master process is part of 
Postfix, and it is what listens on ports 25 and 587.
Honestly as for RTFM, been there, done that.
The bit of the documentation that you seem to have ignored is what Noel 
mentioned:  http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail
Actual log entries and actual configuration are essential information.

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
Not For Hire (currently)

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