On 8/30/2020 2:57 PM, Doug Denault wrote:
I am upgrading from postfix-2.8.7,1 and cyrus-imapd-2.3.18 to postfix-3.5.6,1 and cyrus-imapd30-3.0.14. The old system uses sasldb authentication, the new one MySQL. This is on FreeBSD.

I have compared the conf files on two addition postfix systems and can see no differences of consequence. I am not sure which files or parts thereof to show. I am kind of surprised postfix can be encouraged not to listen on these ports. I am quite lost and can supply whatever information that will help anyone with a idea on how I messed this up.

Douglas Denault
Voice: 301-217-9220
   Fax: 301-217-9277

Likely is postfix is failing to start, with clues in the logfile.

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  -- Noel Jones

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