On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 01:39:55PM -0400, cfs_post...@insec.lofcom.com wrote:

>    1) May I assume every delivery must have a fully-qualified email
>    address, even those to MBOX files on the server?

This question is too vague to have an answer (I have no idea what you're
actually getting at).  You should ask a more precise question, likely
in relation to some particular context.

>    2) The following occurred back when I was having bounce issues
>    because of the setting of $myorigin. According to the logs, when I
>    sent mail to webmas...@makodon.com, it is properly accepted from
>    the external machine (I assume because I have it in
>    virtual_alias_domains via a hash of sendmail's local-host-names
>    file) and then postfix disconnects from that machine.

As described, that's an inbound connection from an SMTP client.  Really
the client disconnects from Postfix, by issuing the SMTP "QUIT" command.

You've not posted any logs or configuration info, despite reading
<http://www.postfix.org/DEBUG_README.html#mail>.  It is rather unclear
what you're actually trying to describe.

>    After disconnect, the user validuser is rewritten to

In SMTP there's no concept of "user", there are envelope senders, and
envelope recipients, not clear which you're talking about.  Best guess
is envelope recipient, which above was "webmaster", but below magically
turned into "validuser".  Also, $myorigin is only appended to
unqualified addresses, and the above address already has a domain.

You're indeed falling into the very trap I tried to steer you away
from, that is, describing problems only in free-from prose, rather
than clearly stated data (logs, configs, ...).

>    validu...@lofcom.com (bad $myorigin setting), that fails, then
>    postfix makes a connection to the sending machine and delivers the
>    bounce message.  It doesn't hold the connection open to reject the
>    mail, but rather reports the bounce later with a new message.

Indeed Postfix is not Sendmail.  Delivery happens asynchronously, and
in parallel for multiple recipients, with qmgr(8) managing scheduling
and destination concurrency, master(8) handling per-transport process
limits, ...


This outperforms Sendmail, is more modular and maintainable, less prone
to turn minor bugs into major security issues, ...  But indeed there is
no delivery failure notification during the incoming SMTP connection.

>    Since I've intentionally forged all of these header fields for the
>    tests similar to spam forgeries, doesn't that reconnect imply that
>    postfix could cause backscatter spam? Am I doing something wrong
>    that would get postfix to follow to the ultimate delivery while the
>    connection is open and reject instead of bounce later?

That's why Postfix has recipient validation.  You should not be
accepting inbound messages for non-existent recipients.  Avoid
wildcard rewrites that accept mail for all localparts, only to
then bounce most of them.


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