Dnia 25.05.2020 o godz. 14:33:36 Thomas pisze:
> FAX is much better because FAX is same as letter and working
> digital, nearly 100% yes or no. Email I did not know if it is
> arrived,

What do you actually want to achieve? Because from your messages it's hard
to understand what do you actually want.

When you send an email and you get a 250 response, it means your message has
been delivered (of course it does not mean the recipient has actually read it
- it may have been put to spam, but you said you don't care about that; BTW.
the same applies also for fax or paper letter; someone may receive it, but
throw it immediately to trash without reading). 250 reply code is basically
the same as fax confirmation - fax also doesn't give you any guarantee that
anybody has actually read your message. If you get another reply, like 4xx
or 5xx, that means your message hasn't been delivered.

If you'd use a working return email address, you would receive rejection
messages in case your message hasn't been delivered. Rejection messages are
"negative confirmations", ie. you get them only when your message HASN'T
been delivered. If you get nothing in return, you may assume your message
has been delivered.

If you explictly DON'T want to have a working return address, you decided
yourself that you don't want these "negative confirmations". So you have to
check logs, that's your only option.

It's as simple as that. What else do you want?
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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