Am 24.05.20 um 17:19 schrieb @lbutlr:
On 23 May 2020, at 08:52, Thomas <> wrote:
or <nor...@mydomain.tld>
The norm is to use an address along the lines you describe there. I use
no-reply@<domain>. Emails to that address are accepted and discarded. Do not
use a fake domain or someone else's domain, of course. You can certainly have the
address be invalid so it generates a rejection, but which you chose is really just up
to you.
my FAX did not have an valid FAX sender number, that is no problem. but
I got an confirmation that my fax is arrived with date/time and content
first page. Letter will send additional.
Email I have to use an attachment.
FAX is much better because FAX is same as letter and working digital,
nearly 100% yes or no. Email I did not know if it is arrived,
Automatic Email conformation is not working until today or did changed?
Or is accepted that I look into my log file to find an 2XX confirmation. No.
I will try using norp...@mydomian.tld <>
I do not care if recipient think my email is SPAM, that is not my
problem. I do not want have recipient Emails on my server, because then
I have confirmed with 2XX that I have accepted the Email and I have the
problem. 5XX is much better for me.
If I send Friday 11:00 AM my FAX is arrived Friday! Letter will arrive
Monday or Tuesday. Of course depends on business if FAX is "point of
legal" arrived. Of course only used for business what is usual.
It has needed lots of years that FAX is accepted as an way to send an
letter with confirmation date/time/content arrived.
I do not want that recipient can send me in 30 sec an Email. He should
use letter and stamp if I want.
If letter head has postage, FAX and Email I can think Email is working
same as FAX. Iam not an profesionell and surprised that recipient might
be throwing away my Emails or did not read:) Funny if used on an officel
letter head:)
Of course Iam using Email, but I have the possibilty on an upper level
to accept Email to or I can stop Emails to
this address with 5XX
/etc/postfix/access_sender differentEmails
Or stop an complete domain sending me Emails
office123 REJECT use letter and stamp
But standard should be my sended Email could not rply and Email server
of recipient is not trying to connect my Email server.