> What is a valid rDNS? How is it set?

when you open an address in your browser a (forward) dns lookup
will be initiated to get the server's ip address.

A reverse lookup (rDNS) is the opposite. You query an ip address
and get a fully qualified domainname back.

Mailservers must have a matching forward and reverse dns, that
means the domain in domain -> ip / ip -> domain queries must be
the same.

rDNS is set in the nameservers of the company that is responsible
for your ip address (or ip net). Whereas you use resource records
of type A for forward lookups, for rDNS you use PTR (Pointer) records.

For more information you should search how DNS is working, for
rDNS especially PTR / in-addr.arpa. and ip6.arpa.

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