1) Somebody suggests using e.g. Ansible to update static tables; but that
requires restarting or triggering a reload in some fashion, does it not?
2) Plus there is the matter of querying your inventory to see what the
configurations are on all nodes (what if they're intentionally not all the
Key value stores (Redis, etcd, I've used DNS, there are others) are an
option which address both issues, if network connected. (If a file can be
updated over the network, is the filesystem really "not connected to the
I would still like to understand what the guiding philosophy for network
connected maps is other than "bad because security", and what the real
attack surface/security concerns are. For this application and particular
implementation, not the planet... maybe for particular choices of
implementation tools, for instance I know that Postfix relies on some
"primitives" to perform "risky" operations and that's easily cast as
defensive coding based on defensive design (against the implementation
I may choose to disable certain security checks and recompile, but I'd
like to know what application security assumptions I'm violating with more
specificity than "trying to connect to localhost": what attack from the
application's vantage accrues to localhost which does not accrue to a unix
domain socket for example? I'm willing to get theoretical enough to ask:
are all of these assumptions still valid in an immutable and containerized
world (what role does partitioning of roles and privileges play)?
I'm waiting patiently for that discussion.
(If there's another way, even hackerish, to call a networked service to
validate aliases at SMTP handshake which doesn't require the equally
hackerish measure of disabling security checks and recompiling then I'd
love to hear about it.)
Fred Morris