On 25/06/19 5:12 AM, Rich Wales wrote:
However, a handful of spam messages are still getting through.  It seems
some spam-sending engines are getting smarter and are retrying almost
immediately after an initial rejection -- before Spamhaus has had a
chance to list them -- and since they already got rejected once by
postscreen, they are being allowed in on the second try.

I should immediately point out that postscreen is not designed to get *all* spam, but rather it is designed to get the bulk of spam in a very efficient way to descrease the load on other anti-spam solutions that you have which are more costly.

Is there -- or should there be -- a configuration parameter to tell the
postscreen server to reject new(ish) clients for a specified minimum
period of time before stepping out of the way and allowing them to pass?
  At the moment, it seems to me that requiring a minimum of 5 minutes
after the first soft rejection should be more than sufficient.

Not at this time that I'm aware of, perhaps Wietse might consider adding such a feature in a future release? The downside here is that it would introduce yet another unfortunate delay in the delivery of mail, and it would pay to ask if the handful of messages getting through (that might be caught by another anti-spam solution later in your pipeline) is worth catching for the delay you are introducing with such a setting.


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