On 22/06/19 12:49 PM, Rich Wales wrote:
I'm running Postfix 3.1.0 on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS system.

II'm using Postfix's postscreen filtering, including zen.spamhaus.org
(with a large score) as one of my DNSBL sites, but it's not helping in
some cases because the spam sources are not showing up on Spamhaus at
the time I get e-mail from them -- only later on.

I'm wondering if it may be worthwhile for me to enable greylisting in
some form on my server.  I'm aware of Postgrey, but I'm uneasy because
this package seems to get updated so rarely (the latest version is about
three years old).

Just enable (and use) the after-220 tests for postscreen which have basically the same effect as greylisting. Postscreen with the after-220 tests enabled basically makes postgrey obsolete.

See http://rob0.nodns4.us/postscreen.html which uses dnswl scoring to address some of the issues with major ESPs such as google and the after-220 tests.


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