Noel Jones-2 wrote
> On 6/8/2019 10:11 AM, Den1 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I would be really thankful if someone could clarify it, please. It says
>> the
>> following, "Postfix works as documented in regexp_table(5) and
>> pcre_table(5), i.e. each query stops at the first matching rule. Now the
>> following two rules are in conflict:
>> /^From:\s*assistant\@gmail\.com$/ REPLACE Subject: New Report.
>> /^Subject:\s*$/  REJECT Empty subjects fields are rejected.
>> I doesn't stop at the first matching rule where the subject is replaced.
> No, it replaces the From: header with a second Subject: header.  The 
> original Subject: is untouched.
> At that point, processing of the From: header is stopped and postfix 
> proceeds with the next header presented.
>> Instead, it stops at the second matching rule where empty subject fields
>> are
>> rejected. Thus, it causes trouble, instead of accepting mail from
> header_checks does not check headers added by postfix.
> And REJECT always wins.  Rule processing is stopped as soon as a 
> rule resolves to REJECT, and the mail is rejected at the earliest 
> opportunity.

> assistant@

>  that is being sent with an empty subject field, it
>> rejects it as per the second rule. How do I make it stop at the first
>> matching rule? Would highly appreciate any pointers / suggestions /
>> assistance at all. Postfix 2.9.6. Many thanks!
> What you appear to be trying - if the mail is From some particular 
> address, replace the Subject: - cannot be done with header_checks.
> You can probably do this with MIMEDefang or another milter, but the 
> actual implementation is outside the scope of this list.
>    -- Noel Jones

Thank you so much! What a perfectly informative answer. It's utmost clear
now. It explains now why all my tests failed. 

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