> On Jun 9, 2019, at 12:42 AM, Webmaster > <webmas...@lshipping.klaipedaville.com> wrote: > > OK. This is gmail.com and the sequence / order of its headers is always the > same isn't it? Plus, that is always the same user, always the same email > address, always the same "empty" subject field and always the same recipient > all the time. Now according to your explanation could you advise me please, > how do I set it to check the subject field first and to stop the query right > there without letting it go through any further rules? Thanks.
The answer is simple. Postfix header checks DO NOT support any sort of multi-header conditionals or logic that depends on the order in which headers are checked against the rules. Each header is tested *in isolation* and whatever order the headers happen to appear in the message. For anything fancier you need a content filter or milter (a Sieve milter would do the job). What you're trying to do CANNOT be done with the built-in content inspection in Postfix. -- Viktor.