Give it some time, and generally if you're on googles feedback loop then you'll get details of how to unblock.


On 2/02/2019 1:17 PM, Alice Wonder wrote:
Google doesn't have to justify themselves to anyone, the luxury of monopoly, they can even cold shoulder their own customers.

Unfortunate reality is changing IP may be only solution.

I was on a google blacklist and couldn't get off because unlike other services, they wanted me to log in into a g-suite account to submit a support request and I don't have one nor do I want one.

I don't know if I'm still on that list or not, told the user I couldn't do anything about the block and so they are now no longer my user.

Weird that sending to gmail worked fine, only (some) gsuite users were blocked. Clueless how to de-list if it happens again without a g-suite account, they didn't have link like most black lists do. Can't wait until that company gets split by the DoJ.

On 2/1/19 3:51 PM, wrote:
I already know it's blocked by IP.  The bounce message says so.  But there is no indication anywhere on the internet that our IP is on an RBL, or that the reputation is bad.  And Google is the only one blocking.

Jeff J.

On 2019-02-01 17:12, Gary wrote:
How about setting up a relay? Maybe you are blocked by IP.

  Original Message
Sent: February 1, 2019 2:28 PM
Subject: Google blocking...again...

I'm about at my wits end with Google.

A couple of weeks ago, we had a user account get compromised. About
11,000 spam emails were sent through the account over a 24 hour period
before we caught it and shut it down.

Of course we were on RBL's for a day or so, but all of that cleared up,
we made the appropriate contacts where necessary.

Everything is back to normal now EXCEPT we still cannot send to any
Google servers as we apparently are being blocked due to spam.

We have not altered any of our sending settings, we have met Google's
minimum requirements for email senders in the same way we always have,
but after almost 2 weeks since the incident, we are still blocked.

Of course there is no one to contact, no way to contact anyone anyway.

Any constructive suggestions would be helpful.

Jeff J.

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