> On Nov 14, 2018, at 12:00 PM, Marek Kozlowski <m.kozlow...@mini.pw.edu.pl> 
> wrote:
> Maybe there is some cached runtime information for postfix or some broken 
> database?

No.  The communications sockets don't any such "memory".  If they're dropping 
your kernel is fubared, and you need a more reliable O/S.  Unless the packet 
loss is
due to some sort of security software (SELinux, AppArmor?)...

Postfix unix-domain sockets have worked reliably for 21 years on multiple 
operating systems (Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, 
If your system is having trouble delivering 1-byte messages over a unix-domain 
something is quite wrong with the system rather than Postfix.

The only thing to check is that you have nothing peculiar in master.cf.  All
the entries should have type (2nd column) either "inet" or "unix", you should
not be using "fifo".


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