
postfix + postsrsd + clamav + spamassassin + dovecot

Everything seems to work OK. No changes done recently (used to work for a long long time). No error messages in logs. Some mails are delivered correctly and immediately. Outgoing mail - OK. The problems are:

1. About 20-50 mails shown by a `mailq'
2. Some mails are delivered veeeeeery sloooowly (I cannot find differences between "bad" and "good" mails)
3. # postqueue -vf
postqueue: name_mask: ipv4
postqueue: inet_addr_local: configured 2 IPv4 addresses
postqueue: warning: unix_trigger: write to public/qmgr: Broken pipe

Unfortunately I can't find explanation for this error. Any help welcome! I'm guessing something wrong with some queue. But more precisely..? Any part of configuration on request - but if I don;t understand the situation I can see a very limited sense in sending all settings for all services...

Best regards,

Dr Eng. Marek Kozłowski
Senior Lecturer
Unix and Network Administrator
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Mathematics and Information Sciences
ul. Koszykowa 75,
00-662 Warszawa
tel.: +48 601 827 225

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