On Wed, November 7, 2018 12:22, Paul wrote:
> Hi
> Maybe related to some of your NS not responding certainly from the UK
> that is
> dig -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca @dns01.harte-lyne.ca OK
> dig -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca @dns02.harte-lyne.ca    No
> response
> dig -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca @dns03.harte-lyne.ca  several
> seconds to
> respond
> dig -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca @dns04.harte-lyne.ca  No response
Neither dns02 nor dns04 are listed in the /etc/resolv.conf file on the
affected services.
With respect to Viktor's answer.
My understanding is that: in the absence of a specified MX record then
the A RR is supposed to be used. In this case MX31 is one of the MX
for the entire domain. Why is the failure to lookup an MX record
fatal? Why is not the A record value used in its absence?
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