
Maybe related to some of your NS not responding certainly from the UK that is

dig  -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca  @dns01.harte-lyne.ca  OK

dig  -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca  @dns02.harte-lyne.ca     No response

dig  -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca  @dns03.harte-lyne.ca   several seconds to respond

dig  -t a mx31.harte-lyne.ca  @dns04.harte-lyne.ca   No response

On 07/11/2018 16:06, James B. Byrne wrote:
On our IMAP service host I am seeing messages in the mailq similar to
the following:

50DFB12B2F7     7501 Tue Nov  6 17:22:42  MAILER-DAEMON
(delivery temporarily suspended: Host or domain name not found. Name
service error for name=mx31.harte-lyne.ca type=MX: Host not found, try

Postfix on the IMAP host is configured to route outgoing mail through
MX31.  And mail is flowing in and out of the IMAP system.  Most things
are being delivered.  But a few messages are stuck in the mail queue
with this error and I cannot figure out what the problem with them is.

I have confirmed that the DNS resolver on both the IMAP host and MX31
are working.  I can ping from the IMAP host to MX31.  On the IMAP host
I can use swaks to successfully send mail via the localhost.  On the
IMAP host I can also use swaks to successfully send mail via MX31.
The test messages both arrived in the destination mailbox on the IMAP

I do not understand what the DNS issue is,  but I cannot flush
messages with this error.

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