I am running a mail server that has a few local recipients and a bunch of 
forwarded recipients for one domain.  All is working properly.  However, there 
are some log messages that I find confusing.  The server receives many messages 
delivery attempts where the user is not included in the virtual_alias_maps.  
All but one of them receive log messages like 

Recipient address rejected: unverified address

That makes sense.  However, one of them receives 

Recipient address rejected: User unknown in virtual alias table

I don't see what is different for this particular user.  They all have the same 
domain which is the only one in virtual_alias_domains.  It appears that that 
message made it through the smtpd check as if the user was in the 
virtual_alias_maps.  That user id does not appear anywhere in the postfix 
configuration.  Am I interpreting these messages correctly?

One possible issue with this user was that that id was originally not in 
virtual_alias_maps and was added.  There were no such log messages before that. 
 They were listed in the unverified address listing.  After adding the user, 
there were no log messages and mail was delivered.  Later the address was 
removed from virtual_alias_maps and then the unknown messages started.  Postfix 
was re-started after that change was made (not a reload).

-- Doug

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