Marat Khalili wrote:
> On 15/08/17 15:55, Tom Browder wrote:
>> (2) use TLS client certs for the authentication of the relay clients, and
> I see problem with this part. Nothing in docs says postfix uses or at least 
> properly 
> traces and logs client CNs from presented certificates. Therefore your system 
> would 
> resemble one-account-for-all configuration. Depending on requirements it 
> might still
> work for you, but basically it'd be an open relay put into a TLS-protected 
> network
> (which you can frankly organize even without postfix help).

IIRC I've implemented client authc based on cert fingerprint maps back in 
winter '99
(based on Lutz postfix-tls patches). So yes, it's feasible provided you issue 
client certs to all your users.

Ciao, Michael.

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