On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 08:28 Marat Khalili <m...@rqc.ru> wrote:

> Hello Tom,
> I'm also interested in this question.
> On 15/08/17 15:55, Tom Browder wrote:
> (2) use TLS client certs for the authentication of the relay clients, and
> I see problem with this part. Nothing in docs says postfix uses or at
> least properly traces and logs client CNs from presented certificates.
> Therefore your system would resemble one-account-for-all configuration.
> Depending on requirements it might still work for you, but basically it'd
> be an open relay put into a TLS-protected network (which you can frankly
> organize even without postfix help).

Hello, Marat,

I don't know about logging (but a good question), but I just now found this
line in the "Postfix" book by Kyle Dent which says to me that the TLS-only
authentication should be possible [p. 170, first sentence]: "You may want
to use client-side certifiicates instead of, ..., other SMTP authentication

With warmest regards,


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