* Wietse Venema <postfix-users@postfix.org>:
> Scott Techlist:
> > As I watch the bots and spammers hammer my server with connection attempts,
> > I figured I might as well stop them even closer to the front door when they
> > try repeatedly.
> > 
> > I have fail2ban running already and once I enabled postscreen it didn't seem
> > to have much to do anymore.
> > 
> > My primary question is: Can I filter on the DISCONNECT log line for bad
> > connections (and only bad connections), or do some "good" connections also
> > log a DISCONNECT.
> Postcreen logs DISCONNECT for clients that PASS the "after 220
> greeting" tests (bare newline, non-SMTP command, pipelining).
> I don't think there is much to gain from parsing postscreen logging
> to produce fail2ban rules. postscreen is designed to handle a lot
> of abuse with near-zero resources.

To add my 2ct: As long as it doesn't impose a problem on the application I
prefer to 'see' the disconnects in the application and not on some other
host (read: upstream firewall). This makes it easier for me to see
relationships etc.


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