On Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 01:33:24PM -0400, Wietse Venema wrote:
> I don't think there is much to gain from parsing postscreen logging
> to produce fail2ban rules. postscreen is designed to handle a lot
> of abuse with near-zero resources.

Granted, not much benefit within Postfix.  But consider: these 
botnets are also attacking other services: http, ssh, DNS, and more.  
I think it's a reasonable goal to want to block botnets in the 

[ Linux-specific ]

We do it with ssh attacks here using the "recent" iptables module.
(On my TODO is a plan to port those rules to the --match set and 
--jump SET modules and ipset(8).)  These attacks, when exceeding 
established maximum new connection rates, cause the attacker to be 
entirely blocked in the firewall.

That obviously won't work for SMTP, where [FSVO] legitmate sites 
might have a bunch of new connections in short periods.  For ssh, 
we're using the assumption that these connections are humans who are 
seeking shell access, although indeed a poorly-written script could 
easily go beyond the limits.

So the move to ipset would allow broader participation in attack 
deflection; fail2ban could help populate the firewall blocking with 
input from httpd, named, and others (including Postfix.)

Another advantage of firewall blocking is at the human level: 
decrease of noise in the logs, to potentially save time for the 
admin.  I haven't had many systems which were vulnerable to the 
brute-force ssh attacks, but I don't need to see that spam in the 
system logs.

To be clear, I don't have an answer for the OP; I am just tossing 
out a couple of coins in support of the goal.
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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