On Thu, Apr 20, 2017 at 01:43:11AM -0700, J. Johnson wrote:

> A while back I was wondering why certain spammers kept hitting our
> 'postmaster' account, then i realized there were multiple recipients. It
> seems like the other recipients ride in on the back of 'postmaster', then
> are free to go there individual ways. Does anyone know if that is true?

No, each recipient address undergoes the full set of access(5)
checks independently of other recipients.

The main caveat is that smtpd_data_restrictions and
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions cannot perform any recipient-dependent
actions on messages that have more than one recipient.  Do not use
recipient-dependent checks in those ccontexts.

Some access(5) actions, such as "DISCARD", "FILTER ...", "REDIRECT"
affect the whole message.  But these are not likely to lead to
mutli-recipient message addressees receiving spam that they would
not have receiving in an identical single-recipient message addressed
to them alone.

> And if so, how can the additional recipients be suppressed?

The premise is false, so the question is moot.


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