## Jeremy T. Bouse (jeremy.bo...@undergrid.net):

> I've been using PostgreSQL, and MySQL in the past, to hold virtual user
> information for my Postfix server. The only thing that has bothered me
> is every *sql_*.cf file I had to setup had to have the username,
> password and host to use for the DB connection. Am I completely missing
> it or is there a way to set that information in one location for all the
> database queries to utilize?

Unfortunately, you cannot unleash the power of the PostgreSQL client
library with Postfix as of now. I'm wondering how far backwards-compatible
Postfix wants to be with regards to libpq (the PostgreSQL client
library) - looking at the code alone, there's just a small change
to have PostgreSQL user and password default to NULL instead of the
empty string "", and that would allow to use full connection info
strings in place of the database name. That would unlock the "service
file" and the "password file" features:


I need to test that.


Spare Space

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