* Jeremy T. Bouse <jeremy.bo...@undergrid.net>:
>     I'm going ahead and asking here as I've been searching and haven't
> found any information...
> I've been using PostgreSQL, and MySQL in the past, to hold virtual user
> information for my Postfix server. The only thing that has bothered me
> is every *sql_*.cf file I had to setup had to have the username,
> password and host to use for the DB connection. Am I completely missing
> it or is there a way to set that information in one location for all the
> database queries to utilize?

ATM this is as good as it gets.

Postfix has no means to e.g. include files in a configuration e.g. like this:

include = /etc/postfix/dbsettings.cf

You *could* put all query settings in main.cf, *but* main.cf must remain world
readable. This effectively exposes the db connection settings (and all other
secrets) to any user, who has access to the machine.

I guess you don't want that.

If you use configuration management you can have it create the query files.
But setting one up only to get around the redundant work is in no relation to
the few minutes you spend to write the user/pass etc. a few times.


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