On December 11, 2016 1:24:22 PM EST, Viktor Dukhovni 
<postfix-us...@dukhovni.org> wrote:
>> On Dec 11, 2016, at 11:44 AM, Scott Kitterman <post...@kitterman.com>
>> As I recall from our previous discussions on the topic (and what I
>read in the 
>> documentation), since we split the various dynamic map types into
>their own 
>> binary packages, we need to make sure that the basic postfix package
>> reference those files and that the binary includes a postfix-files
>snippet to 
>> drop in a postfix-files.d directory.  Is that right?
>Not just "those" files, but rather *any* files not included in
>the base package.  And the filenames included need to be correct.
>IIRC the Debian manpages are compressed, but the filenames in
>the postfix-files file have no ".gz" suffix.  There are likely
>some additional anomalies.
>> As an example, for mysql (the html docs are in a doc package):
>> $shlib_directory/${LIB_PREFIX}mysql${LIB_SUFFIX}:f:root:-:755
>> $manpage_directory/man5/mysql_table.5:f:root:-:644
>> is what goes in /etc/postfix/postfix-files.d/mysql (for lack of a
>better name)
>Sure provided both are installed by the same package, or both
>packages merge the relevant entry into a common file.  And of
>course, deal with ".gz" extensions as needed.
>> Is there an upstream method to split those lines out into separate
>files based 
>> on the build type?  I can come up with something Debian specific to
>do it, but 
>> if it's already covered, I don't want to re-invent the wheel.
>Nothing built-in, since packaging detais are out of scope.
>The idea would be to *intersect* the content of each package with
>matching names from the upstream postfix-files file, and create the
>appropriate per-package files for postfix-files.d/.

Thanks.  That makes it clear.  I probably would have missed the compressed man 
page detail.

Scott K

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