On Tue, Dec 06, 2016 at 04:56:58PM -0800, MRob wrote:

> > To be fair to the good folks at PowerDNS, the software in question
> > was an alpha version, that Ubuntu should probably not have shipped
> > in a prod release.  I don't know of any similar issues in actual
> > releases of PowerDNS.
> Thank you both for the help. Looks like the only recourse is to stop using
> PDNS or install it from source until Ubuntu can provide a non-alpha product.
> I'm shocked that they have done such a thing. I wonder if a post to their
> mailing list would get the attention of the right person.

I take it then that you too are using a PDNS resolver on (a suitably
recent) Ubuntu? In that case the problem is rather expected, and
matches exactly the same issue reported here a week or two back.

Search the list archives.  You may find that the original poster
of that older message has already opened an Ubuntu ticket  for this

In the mean-time, unbound works pretty well, and of course you can
insteall a more stable PDNS from the upstream source.

I expect we'll now be seeing repeated reports of this particular
issue from time to time.  I might not always be inspired to come
forward with the standard answer, so if anyone else wants to help
out the next user with this problem, go for it.


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