> I'm running Postfix 2.11.7 on FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE.
> Just wanted to get folks' opinions/rationale/thoughts on behavior of some 
> of the RBL's.
> Specifically SORBS.NET... I first set up my server using a popular FreeBSD 
> tutorial. SORBS.NET was included in a list of recommended RBL's in the 
> latest incarnation of that tutorial.
> But it seemed like every other day I was whitelisting servers of 
> mainstream providers like Gmail and Facebook. They seem to be... how do I 
> say... extremely absolutist in their protocol for blacklisting? So at the 
> end of the day it ends up not being practically useful.
> I first tried whitelisting IP blocks as I found problems, but it's been a 
> constant game of whack-a-mole (or *un*-whack-a-mole, in this context, 
> rather?). So I finally decided to remove their reject_rbl_client entries in 
> Every issue with misidentified rejections has been due to SORBS. Have 
> others had similar experiences or different approaches? is at a different point on the ROC curve(*) than some
other DNS reputation lists. If you're concerned about blocking
legitimate email, don't give them 'veto' power as with smtpd, but
use them in a weighted fashion, as with postscreen or spamassassin.



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