On Mon, Oct 03, 2016 at 01:47:28PM -0400, Fongaboo wrote:
> I'm running Postfix 2.11.7 on FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE.
> Just wanted to get folks' opinions/rationale/thoughts on behavior of some of
> the RBL's.
> Specifically SORBS.NET... I first set up my server using a popular FreeBSD
> tutorial. SORBS.NET was included in a list of recommended RBL's in the
> latest incarnation of that tutorial.
> But it seemed like every other day I was whitelisting servers of mainstream
> providers like Gmail and Facebook. They seem to be... how do I say...
> extremely absolutist in their protocol for blacklisting? So at the end of
> the day it ends up not being practically useful.
> I first tried whitelisting IP blocks as I found problems, but it's been a
> constant game of whack-a-mole (or *un*-whack-a-mole, in this context,
> rather?). So I finally decided to remove their reject_rbl_client entries in
> main.cf.
> Every issue with misidentified rejections has been due to SORBS. Have others
> had similar experiences or different approaches?
> Thanx!

I personally don't use RBLs as hard blocks. Instead, I have them set up
in my spam filter (SpamAssassin) with different weights. That way, if
one particular RBL is acting up, I can de-weight it and keep an eye on
it without it affecting delivery.

The only mail that my server outright rejects is SPF failures on my
domains, and mail to invalid addresses. Everything else either gets
delivered or put into spam. I personally feel like this is the best
setup, since it is least likely to cause invisible problems. I'd rather
a few sketchy mails slip through than have legitimate emails bounce.


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