On 16-09-28 04:55 AM, li...@lazygranch.com wrote:
> I didn't like the Let's Encrypt 90 day deal with mysterious upload to your 
> server.

While I do not like to grant root access to a third-party controlled
process on my server, there are good alternatives and the only things
that I upload to my server are the resulting certificates, like with any
CA.  With a little bit of scripting it can all be automated.

My current solution is still sketchy and works for me (single Digital
Ocean account with one server to be updated), but it can scale easily
and is built on the shoulders of giants that make sure more than just
Digital Ocean is supported:


My favorite form of verification is the DNS challenge, because it does
not disrupt the server's operation, except for a quick restart to
recognize the new certificate.

Disclaimer: I am a lawyer and only a tinkerer when it comes to IT.
Please point out the deficiencies in my solution and help me improve.

Every 90 days, at every iteration, my process becomes better and has now
boiled down to check if there has been changes and run some
commands/scripts that do not take more than a few minutes of my time.

  cd ~/src/letsencrypt
  wget https://letsencrypt.org/certs/lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem
  cd dehydrated
  git pull
  cd ../certificates_ACCOUNT_X
  export LEXICON_DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN=<the_DO_account_token>
  PROVIDER=digitalocean ../dehydrated/dehydrated --cron --hook
letsencrypt.default.sh --challenge dns-01 -x
  # Do other things while the certificates are being generated
  ssh SERVER
  sudo ./deploy.sh
  sudo service nginx restart
  sudo service postfix restart

The above assumes that you have configured dehydrated and your DNS
hosting account.  automate.sh is something like this:

  echo '#!/usr/bin/env bash' > deploy.sh
  for DOMAIN in `ls certs`; do echo $DOMAIN
    cd certs/$DOMAIN
    cat privkey.pem cert.pem ../../lets-encrypt-x3-cross-signed.pem >
    echo "chmod 400 $DESTINATION/$DOMAIN.pem" >> ../../deploy.sh
    echo "chown root:root $DESTINATION/$DOMAIN.pem" >> ../../deploy.sh
    # domains that are used for mail+web
    if [ "$DOMAIN" == "mxserver.example.com" ]; then
      echo "mv $DESTINATION/$DOMAIN.pem /etc/postfix/ssl/" >>
    # domains that are used for web only
      echo "mv $DESTINATION/$DOMAIN.pem /etc/nginx/ssl/" >> ../../deploy.sh
    cd ../../
  chmod +x deploy.sh
  rsync -avz deploy.sh $USER@$SERVER:$DESTINATION

I am only progressing very slowly on this, tweaking it every 90 days,
because it is already at a point where it does not bother me.

The Let's Encrypt certificates are great.  They are recognized by my
Android devices when syncing CardDAV/CalDAV; Postfix seems to like them
and so does Dovecot.  The short life span is actually a neat feature
that keeps the ecosystem safe and revocation lists shorter.


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