@Norton Allen

Thanks for that info. I thought it would do it. And, I was happy to hear that 
someone else has actually got it working :-)

I have this now in main.cf


All I have in the aliases file now is the majordomo aliases and pipe.

majordomo:              "| /usr/local/majordomo-1.94.5/wrapper majordomo"
owner-majordomo:        postmas...@quantum-radio.net
majordomo-=owner:       owner-majordomo

Nothing active in master.cf and nothing else related active in main.cf

A test mesage 
echo ‘lists’ | mail owner-majordomo simply bounces right back - ignoring the 
aliases file. as does to just majordomo 

<mailto:owner-majord...@zeus.quantum-radio.net>> (expanded from 
   mail for zeus.quantum-radio.net <http://zeus.quantum-radio.net/> loops back 
to myself
Reporting-MTA: dns; zeus.quantum-radio.net <http://zeus.quantum-radio.net/>
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: 3A8C837F885F
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822; rob...@zeus.quantum-radio.net 
Arrival-Date: Wed,  6 Jul 2016 16:04:28 +0100 (BST)

So really - Short of putting the postconf - n output up, Which is very long - 
I’m stumped. 

The aliases file is being ignored it seems. still.
Thanks though, 

> On 6 Jul 2016, at 14:30, Norton Allen <al...@huarp.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Robert, I'm seriously pressed for time, or I would have chimed in earlier, 
> but I have a similar system up and running without a problem. You do need to 
> run the wrappers through a local aliases file, but it doesn't necessarily 
> have to be /etc/aliases. I have:
> alias_maps =
>   hash:/etc/aliases
>   hash:$config_directory/arp.lists.local
>   hash:$config_directory/abcd.lists.local
> In other words, I have the local aliases that require piping to programs in 
> separate files. The aliases that users see are handled as virtual aliases:
> virtual_alias_maps              =
>     proxy:mysql:$config_directory/mysql_virtual_alias_maps.cf
>     hash:$config_directory/arp.lists
>     hash:$config_directory/abcd.lists
> I also use Mailman on another server, but I needed my customized version of 
> Majordomo for this server.
> If you don't have a pressing need for Majordomo, Mailman is not a bad choice.
> -Norton
> On 7/6/2016 3:03 AM, postmas...@quantum-radio.net 
> <mailto:postmas...@quantum-radio.net> wrote:
>> Well, I got that bit working easily enough, but I’ve given up on the whole 
>> thing.
>> I can find no way of getting it all to work together. Unless I use the 
>> standard /etc/aliases file, which I can’t do, I can’t get it to work.
>> It has to be able to run 
>> /usr/local/majordomo-1.94.5/wrapper majordomo 
>> through a pipe from the aliases file.
>> Time to look at mailman.
>> Thanks for the input.
>> Robert
>>> On 5 Jul 2016, at 16:57, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> 
>>> <mailto:wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
>>> postmas...@quantum-radio.net <mailto:postmas...@quantum-radio.net>:
>>>> Jul  5 15:49:18 zeus postfix/qmgr[54296]: warning: connect to transport 
>>>> private/"/usr/local/majordomo-1.94.5/wrapper majordomo": No such file or 
>>>> directory
>>> You configured transport_maps incorrectly.
>>> Look at the output from:
>>> postmap -q majord...@quantum-radio.net <mailto:majord...@quantum-radio.net> 
>>> $(postconf -h transport_maps)
>>> It should be just "majordomo:" without the quotes.
>>>     Wietse

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