David Schweikert:
> Hi,
> I wonder what the Postfix community thinks or plans to do according to
> this standard that is being written:
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-margolis-smtp-sts/?include_text=1
> I personally find this quite interesting. What I wonder is, if maybe
> we have now reached a similar point of complexity for policy decisions
> when delivering mails, as it was the case for incoming mails when policy
> delegation for the SMTP server was introduced.
> Could a similar policy lookup protocol be implemented for the SMTP
> client and things like SMTP STS be implemented as a policy daemon?
> The policy lookup could take place right after the SMTP handshake.

I will read the draft in the coming days.  I am all in favor of
outsourcing complex policies (for example, I do not expect to see
an XML processor in the Postfix trusted code base).

In the case of SMTP server policy, that was relatively easy to
implement (reuse the code that implements access map support), but
there is nothing to reuse, yet, on the SMTP client side.


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