* bi...@sent.at <bi...@sent.at>:
> Hi Patrick
> Thanks for the reply.
> > To clarify: postscreen never sees a message body. It probes the client IP 
> > and
> > fakes a few SMTP commands, but that's it.
> Ok, took me a couple of rereads, but it's not postscreen doing the check.  
> It's that postscreen is "part 1" of several checks.
> > The right [tm] method would be to use the postconf utility and let it return
> > the parameter setting:
> > 
> > % postconf -n body_checks
> > 
> > If it does not return anything chances are you mistyped the parameter or
> > something similiar. (That's make makes postconf better than grep).
> Ok got that.  Still looks good.
>  postconf -n body_checks
>   body_checks = pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks.pcre
> > Save the message to a file. And test like this:
> > 
> > % postmap -q - pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks.pcre <messagefile
> So does this.
>  cat << EOF > /tmp/testfile
>  EOF
>  postmap -q - pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks.pcre </tmp/testfile
>    TEST BAD CONTENT REJECT  554 5.7.1 Message not allowed

You are proving a test with a probe that isn't in question. Test with the
message that failed the test. If your Postfix config is correct, then the
answer lies within the message you sent.

And while you're at it: Please send complete output of 'postconf -n' so we can
get a complete picture. ;)


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